The Elephant
Do you remember the story of the elephant and the blind men ? I guess this song is inspired by that. VERSE Woke up this morning Bad taste in my mouth A feeling of doom Hangs about in the room Don’t go to Dave’s birthday You will not like the crowd I ignore all my feelings Put clothes on and chill out Go to work til half six Shower, make up, wine fix Car won’t start what a drag Take the bus, smoke a fag, curse out loud At the party I see Dave’s not there but there’s Steve Plus new girl, my ex boyfriend The tequila is a godsend But as soon as it’s down Comes back up as I heave Moonbeam and Jade stare at me from the corner Though they know me quite well I’m not part of their tribe ‘Light anoooother one…. Just like the other one…” crack a joke, don’t you spoil the good vibe CHORUS It reminds me of the story of the elephant That miss Murray used to tell us in school Don’t assume that you’ve got the full picture...