The Elephant

Do you remember the story of the elephant and the blind men ? I guess this song is inspired by that.


Woke up this morning 
Bad taste in my mouth
A feeling of doom
Hangs about in the room
Don’t go to Dave’s birthday
You will not like the crowd

I ignore all my feelings
Put clothes on and chill out
Go to work til half six
Shower, make up, wine fix
Car won’t start what a drag
Take the bus, smoke a fag, curse out loud

At the party I see
Dave’s not there but there’s Steve
Plus new girl, my ex boyfriend
The tequila is a godsend
But as soon as it’s down
Comes back up as I heave

Moonbeam and Jade
stare at me from the corner
Though they know me quite well
I’m not part of their tribe
‘Light anoooother one….
Just like the other one…”
crack a joke, don’t you spoil the good vibe


It reminds me of the story of the elephant
That miss Murray used to tell us in school
Don’t assume that you’ve got the full picture
Or you will end up being the fool


Next there’s Crystal who’s has witnessed the scene from afar
dressed in white , that's her style
puts her hand on my heart
“it’s all part of the plan
just believe that you can
then she smiles

But then Flame jumps on site
pulls me on the dance floor
“look at me , I'm a fairy, I'm a fairy you know?
You should just party more
All afflictions ignore
Say yes only to joy, the rest no !”

Thank God Mike comes to save me right then
Paracetamol’s the right answer to pain
You just ate something rotten
Soon it’ll all be forgotten
There is nothing that science can’t explain !

So I sit on the couch
gulp my water and pill
And I don’t even notice Damian sneer at my side
“They run blind the rat race
until death wins the chase
and the sooner you get it, the worse is the ride”

Quick! I fake some distraction
Till the loud interruption
“Come to church!” shouts Dolores
dropping leaflets around
“Only Jesus can save
reject Satan, be brave!
In the bible all the answers are found !”


It reminds me of the story of the elephant
That miss Murray used to tell us in school
Don’t assume that you’ve got the full picture
Or you will end up being the fool

4/feb/2015 Edinburgh


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