
Homage to the Whole Self: Approval.

I approve. I approve of myself. I approve of my discomfort for it is a clear sign my needs aren't being met. I approve of my needs. they are my lifeline and my protectors. I approve of my desire for attention. It reminds me that I still need healing from all the times I got denied it. I approve of my insecurity It shows me where I've longed for others' acceptance because I did not have from myself. I approve of my critical self. It denounces what needs to be done to get the quality of experience that I deserve. I approve of my fear. It helps me develop the clarity to fight and the courage to let go. I approve of my doubt. It gives me compassion for others and the wisdom of perspective. I approve of my uncertainty. It tells me I am still curiously exploring unknown territories. I approve of my dissatisfaction. It shows me where my passion still longs to be ignited by the flame of my heart's desire. I approve of my dishonesty. It allows ...

The Inner Wedding

Will you rise to the challenge will you stand in your power will you cross the thick forest and slaughter the demons in your mind to join me at the castle's banquet? I am Queen of my reign and I've already fought many a battle I am searching for my King to stand beside me in the halls of this Palace I've been waiting so long met many a querent but none were strong enough to face me in my day of strength and hold me in my night of terrors I've walked alone like a Princess of Arrows down the bands of luxurious rivers and dined at the table of the Gods. I've feasted at parties of young and old and listened to the poet's laments and longings for love's lost. I have traveled many a weary miles and extended the hands of friendship to many deserving and undeserving hearts And finally, I have healed myself of deep wounds inflicted long ago. And now I walk alone, filled with awe and whole in my light, and darkness I salute mysel...

A vine in a garden of weeds

will you love me? will I love you? will you see me? will I see you? will you still love me when you see me? will I still love you when I see you? if you show me yours I'll show you mine! you go first! no, you go first! If you shut me out I'll remain open if you stay in your armor I will respect your will this time when you turn your back on me or you stay safe locked behind easy words I will see the way I shut you off and turn away from you and when your eyes glaze over and you leave the room as I look at you I will see the way I leave myself and you as I run to some far away land when it gets too close to the bone and when you hug me even though you don't really feel close to me I will see what it is like to be so protective of myself that I mistrust others I crave connection with and end up feeling alone and finally, when you lose it and cry your heart out you'll make it possible for me to open mine and know what it feels like to allow my ow...

The unborn child

shadows of past hauntings pools too deep to fathom bones too brittle eyes too tired mouths left gaping breaths left gasping grasping for letters falling like droplets filled with unknown tears of the lost treasures long hidden inside someone else' chambers lit by a single candle of hope and I don't know why and I don't know how it just flows through like the gift of an unborn child

Your face

Your face in everyman's face my demand for you to understand and love me as I am my search for the water that would finally fill the bottomless well my leaning on its side in a full moon's eve ready to jump in but on the beach it is me walking alone yet no more lonely dipping my feet into the ocean finally glad to be alive it is mine the smile when I stumble and get back up and recognize that I don't need your approval to be happy it is me who is already free it is me I must forgive it is mine the love for myself without conditions that I have been longing for but unwilling to give 2017


My love My unknown stranger love Wondering through the depths of your mystery alone I see you knee deep staggering through muddy waters trying to find a vine A branch, a shallow pool where that old reflection, your long lost dream can once again emerge from a deep restless slumber of shadowy remembrance into the shrouded figure that wonders through the woods the elusive crying beauty you once painfully mistook for my face… I can see you beg her for help With the humble voice of a whispering willow but her silent hands cannot give answers they can only present you with the knife, blade side first and sparing no smile for your misery start to serve you with instructions to cut deep and though your protests remain bare and blatantly ignored she says she knows that you’ve been bleeding on your kitchen floor for months but that’s just the way it’s gotta be      because eventually mirrors will kill you unless you are prepared to se...


We are the same species you and I the loner observer, the original thinker who dares shake things up til they fall the blue eyed innocent grey man going unnoticed like a spy but I see you I hear you call out the lies pointing them out as nothing but fiction forcing embarrassment and instant recoil and I secretely give in to forbidden approval as I recognise the unfulfilled desire finally met and I want to scream "I'm like you!' and hug you in gratitude for I haven't been as courageous yet

The Elephant

Do you remember the story of the elephant and the blind men ? I guess this song is inspired by that. VERSE Woke up this morning  Bad taste in my mouth A feeling of doom Hangs about in the room Don’t go to Dave’s birthday You will not like the crowd I ignore all my feelings Put clothes on and chill out Go to work til half six Shower, make up, wine fix Car won’t start what a drag Take the bus, smoke a fag, curse out loud At the party I see Dave’s not there but there’s Steve Plus new girl, my ex boyfriend The tequila is a godsend But as soon as it’s down Comes back up as I heave Moonbeam and Jade stare at me from the corner Though they know me quite well I’m not part of their tribe ‘Light anoooother one…. Just like the other one…” crack a joke, don’t you spoil the good vibe CHORUS It reminds me of the story of the elephant That miss Murray used to tell us in school Don’t assume that you’ve got the full picture...

Endless Recovery

Recovering from a distance acquired by chance you continue the dance away from his arms cause he gave up on romance you’re lost in a sea of desire and all you can see Are his brown eyes Promising endless nights of passion but love’s gone out of fashion Only silence sits on your empty seat Silence. You’re beginning to get used to it. The sickness closes in, forcing you to pause you wanted to hold the bewildered child that he once was But you bet he is fucking someone else instead And you just can’t live with that despite what you said And you gave him your heart on a platter But you can’t complain , these were your constraints Now things are different but it doesn’t matter Only silence sits on your empty seat Silence. You’re beginning to get used to it. And you’re torn like a child whose parents want to split up And you don’t have a clue how to sail on a land without maps So you just pretend all is well in your world And wake up in the night with a knot in yo...

Letting Go

Letting go is like raising the anchor and watching the boat float away in the foggy distances of time lost Listening to the whistling wind on a soundless night you sit still on the shore with your head in your hands and your eyes aghast And I sail on the glistening surface sliding like a cold wave out of sight In the silence I wait without hope or despair just trusting in the sunrise tomorrow 21 August 2014, To A.

No sense in being sensible...

Learning to play a good chess game when you'd rather throw away the board Or pretend any move is the same watch the pieces get cut by a sword Playing by the rules is the only right way but what if you ignore them, act as if they're not there? It still matters, they say you'll be going nowhere ! So you follow the advice, gather up all your wits move when it's the right time be just enough out of reach and delight in the waiting patience ' ll be your ally hold on say the right thing even if you must lie But then when you are the least ready you'll fall asleep at the wheel car won't go in automatic heart's not made out of steel Watch out ! Passion's enemy's reason you won't be in control when the fruit is ripe it will fall and all the good sense in world won't matter at all...

The Forbidden Kiss

Midnight december freeze while followed by a relentless breeze after a drink or two I stumbled across you What would you do if all the rules were lost if you were to drop your mask and you chose to be more sincere than most ? I wouldn't dare to ask for more than what I wish to myself when you're not there threading on the softness of a kindred fire while the snow covers us all unaware Closer, you whispered tonight your wish will come alive so tell me now, tell me sister I can't quite hear what you desire Oh I could not my dearest mister reveal in truth my secret passion and show you that this infatuation is fulled indeed by intoxication Nonsense ! I heard you shout do not let your resolve be weakened by the shadow of doubt ! I command of you now , do tell what in your heart you must know well Like a caressing kimono pulled across a silken moonscape like a mantle of silver leaves uncovering the endless silence Like the falling of unexpected ...

A new Flame burning bright

You're back rising from the ashes of the past hazel fire and wood burning with desire for life and understanding leaving no more space for any pretending You walk into my path igniting me from fear ripping me away from my abstinence of silence You've captured me with words ablaze in all their glory the fury of inspiration the passion in the story I tremble with excitement the light inside the tunnel you tempt me without trying and finally I tumble Come beauty of vitality illuminate my way I'll drop all expectation and live as if today was my first one and my last And if you come and be my Muse I'll show you ecstasy we'll live this spring together and let the rest just be

New Songs

  Buonanotte Amore Mio Buonanotte, amore mio anche se non stiamo piu assieme tu occuperai sempre un posto speciale perche' quello che c'e' tra noi e' reale So che devo lasciarti andare e che ci sono cose che anch'io devo fare devo crescere per diventare cio' che fin'ora ho solo osato sognare So che adesso devi stare da solo e che hai bisogno di sperimentare una vita diversa con altre persone per far emergere una nuova visione e so che nulla tra noi e' davvero cambiato l'essenza e' la stessa l'amore e' restato lo stesso che abbiamo sempre sentito e' solo il suo tempo che adesso e' finito Broni, Jan 2010 Senza Speranza / Il Pescatore Sei troppo intenso non ti riesco a gestire quella testa che gira ti fa solo impazzire tu che sei cosi' intelligente usi il potere della mente contro te stesso e ti viene il chiodo fisso di trovare mille soluzioni e poi ti dai mille ragioni per non seguirle mai... ...

L'addio scontato

La mia ultima canzone L’addio scontato Ed ecco una scena da film un po scontato L’addio alla stazione e l’ultimo bacio Ed io in ginocchio che ti abbraccio piano E i tuoi occhi lucidi e quel tuo sguardo strano Siamo ora rimasti tutti e due sospesi Tutti e due da soli su dei fili tesi Sopra ad un abisso molto profondo Di cui non riesco nemmeno piu a vedere il fondo E forse un giorno capirai Che cosa hai perso E forse allora te ne pentirai Ma sara’ gia tutto troppo diverso Io non ti potrei mai dimenticare Ma non so neanche piu sperare E che ne sara’ ora di tutti quei cliche Tutte quelle parole che ho riversato su di te Tu eri il mio re ed ora te ne sei andato  e tutto cio’ che e’ stato e’ diventato solo passato Io so che la mia rabbia e’ solo una difesa La normale reazione di una donna offesa Ma e’proprio questo  cio’ che mi protegge Da un dolore che forse mi sommergerebbe E forse la mia assenza ti risvegliera’ E ti fara’ capire la verita Cio’...

Traduzioni Italiane

La Mal’anima (o la maledizione) Mi aspetta piano al buio Nelle ore piccole Mi aspetta nella luce Quando avanza il sole Si insinua lentamente Come una nebbia senza pieta’ Come una cappa grigia Rinchiusa dentro ad una lacrima Resta con me in un ombra Che minaccia di uccidermi Gli oppongo resistenza In questo vuoto vuole chiudermi Prendimi e portami via Da quest’ inferno di pazzia Insegnami l’abilita’ Di trovare la mia verita’ (di demolire questa menzogna) Nessuno puo’ salvarmi Non c’e’ salvezza nella fuga Soltanto la speranza Da questo fato mi proteggera’ Tu pensi di capirmi Ma non c’e’ modo tu lo possa fare Tutto quello che vedi Son proiezioni tue da soddisfare Intrappolata in questa prigione Vorrei urlare ma non so che dire Paralizzata senza ragione In/da  questo sogno non riesco a fuggire Trad. Cecina Nov 09 ANGELO SONICO Ah quando il cielo e’ grigio E tu sei molto lontano Porta il vento con te Lasciati guidare E quando sarai ormai via...

New Songs

This is my most recent song which will be completed once I am back in my studio. It is inspired by all the invisible outcasts we often try to ignore. Blood Flower Born from tears of desperation Raised in the pain of isolation you don't want to hear about it it reminds you too much of your own fear you don't want to hear She walks the path of solitude She talks the talk of silence You don't want to know about it you buried it away some time ago you don't want to know She is going to die in this place she sees the lies on your face Open your heart and lend her a hand She's here to make you understand She's only a mirror of yourself CDP, Italy, OCT 09 This is not necessarily a new song but it might one day be. It was written in a very dark and difficult moment Autumn Days An icy desert of silence Only the sound of my own breathing in the hull of absence The hour stretches to Infinity I wait In the darkness I see nothing ...

Poems from 1996 to 2004

BRING ME TO HELL AND BACK Bring me to hell and back Bring me to heaven You look at me and it is yours The reflection in the mirror You want liberation from yourself I want to lose myself in you You are my brother, I know You know I am your sister Your beauty and your tender smile is mine My love and gentle touch yours We met to see ourselves in each other To realize there is no Other But once the sweet dream is over Will we keep on searching For the image hidden inside each others eyes Me, to find yours And you, Mine? Our mother loved us both And meant for us to meet again But for how long we should share this road remains unknown The mystery is the truth unveiled If we can look at it in the face without averting our gaze We could travel together For a while And the song says Take my hand, Hold me in your arms The night is long And the road lonely… And all I wish for us Is to let us dream our dream for another day more Because at dawn It may...